I help women worried about everyone else’s needs, TRansform into the woman the world needs.

My clients struggle like you do. They are intelligent, successful and driven, and have adapted to living with a high level of stress. When they first come in they are overworked, overwhelmed and stressed out. They worry about performing in every area of their lives - socially, romantically, financially. They consider everyone else’s needs before their own and its exhausting. They do not prioritize sleep or self care even though they know they should, and then they feel guilty about that. While laying in bed to fall asleep their hearts race and their minds spin with the pressure - all they didn’t get done (or do well enough) that day and all they must accomplish tomorrow. It’s an endless cycle. They have excelled in school and in career but are unfulfilled and stressed at work, angry and frustrated at home. Working late into the evenings is a common scene. Their work stress bleeds into all areas of their lives and their partners feel helpless and frustrated that they are unhappy but are not making substantial change. The women I see feel unattractive and uncomfortable in their own skin. They turn to crash and fad diets that don’t work or they don’t stick with which makes them feel worse about themselves and their bodies. They feel trapped in a cycle of failure and haven’t learned ways to deeply feel and express their heavy emotions in order to move forward feeling lighter and empowered. They are disconnected from their sexual desires, or de-prioritize them as something unimportant to their overall health and power in the world. What’s worse, they feel like they’re disappointing their partners and failing their expectations of what they signed up for in a lover.

While they want to do rewarding, inspiring work, they have no idea what that would be or how to gain clarity.

They are terrified to leave a well paying job (at what cost though I ask?) to risk trying something new. Their obsession with pleasing others gets in the way of the life they want in so many ways. They aren’t the kind of partner they want to be. They feel they are failing as a friend. And their confidence as a model employee, entrepreneur, leader, business partner, life partner is tanking.

Even if they have found work that inspires them, They don’t know how to achieve a healthy balance between work and the rest of their life.

Before they came to see me, they believed chronic stress was the bitter pill people swallowed for success. They worried if they shared the truth of their suffering the crack in the facade would lead to the complete destruction of their image and who would they be then? Where would they go? What would they do? Doing what was expected of them stretched them thin but at least it was a clear road map. Without a map, what would life look like?

They research and “poll-take” from friends, family, coworkers, consult with articles, books and experts searching for the “right” answers for every decision they have to make. They forget that they contain an ancient, deep wisdom inside of them that knows all the answers, the right choices for them. A wisdom that exists inside of them effortlessly.

Working with me is stepping into a journey of remembering that you already know how to lead your life intuitively. It’s not your fault you are like this. You were taught to give your power away instead of to trust in yourself. You were never guided in the ways to access your “knowing”. Women used to be taught by their mothers, grandmothers, shamans in their villages, spiritual ceremonies and were honored for their wisdom. In modern times women have become disconnected from this education. I spent a part of my adult life relearning methods to access my truth, and another part learning how to trust the information that comes through. When we can hear, trust and act on our truth we living in complete integrity, complete alignment, and all anxieties vanish. The anxiety lives in the disconnection from our wise selves. I am honored to guide you on this journey. 

Like my clients, you deserve to treat yourself with love, care and compassion. You deserve to live life filled with joy and sexual fulfillment. Having a peaceful mind, a good night’s sleep, and the powerful feeling of wholeness, of stepping into your feminine pleasure and power is not out of your reach. If you want to find a fulfilling career contributing meaningfully to the world in a way that lights you up and offers your unique gifts to the world, I’d love to help you get there. If you want to find a work/life balance that feels right and good and serves you, your family and priorities accordingly, I’d love to help you get there.

Call now to set up a free consultation. I will Help you get clear on your desires, envision and create the life of your dreams.

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About ME

Why do I love working with high achieving women who appear to have it all together but silently stress everything?

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COnnect with ME

Reach out. You don’t have to suffer alone. It’s my purpose to guide you through an eye opening journey of self discovery. Together we will create a clear plan to fulfillment in all areas of your life.